The lack of good leadership is a major cause of the social problems in the Wairarapa, and the attitude of the police in ignoring and condoning crime such as this by our so called community leaders, is one of the major causes of the problems with crime, suicide, child abuse, methamphetamine and other hard drug use, etc.
I was amazed that I was the only one of the candidates who even seemed to notice this report, not one of the other candidates even referred to it. There's a global financial crisis, and not one of the other candidates thought there was anything wrong with this report. McPhee was going for his third term - he'd had plenty of time to get the hang of things by now!
This is as bad as it gets, I couldn't make up anything worse than this because there is nothing worse - this is absolutely disgraceful. A commissioner should have been appointed long ago.
Here's a quick link to Michael Appleby's submission to the Police Complaints Authority - who are anything but independent! The highlights from the Audit report are quoted from paragraph number 92:
92. The latest Long Term Council Community Plan of the Carterton District Council, including the Financial Reports, and current financial projections regarding the current budget for the immediate future has been assessed by the Council’s Auditors as “unsatisfactory”, which would appear to confirm that Mrs Raue’s concerns (concerns which are also shared by the signatories of a relatively substantial petition) are valid.
93. Laurie Desborough of Audit New Zealand, on behalf of the Auditor General, Palmerston North, has determined in his Draft Report on the Carterton District Council’s Long Term Council Community Plan 2006-2016, incorporating the 2006/2007 Annual Plan, Volume 1 Finance and Strategy (‘the Plan’), on page 157 that “In our opinion, the Statement of Proposal for adoption of the LTCCP of the District Council, incorporating Volumes 1 to 2 dated 19 July 2006, does not provide a reasonable basis for long term integrated decision-making by the District Council and for participation in decision –making by the public and subsequent accountability to the community about the matters listed below: - “There is inadequate underlying information to support the forecast information included in the statement of Proposal. As a result, the forecasts of capital expenditure and operating expenditure, including the estimates of depreciation, could be materially misstated across all of the District Council’s activities. Also, because the forecast expenditure is not supported by adequate asset management plans, the District Council has been unable to demonstrate that the forecast expenditure will deliver the proposed levels of service across all the District Council’s activities. As a result, the information in the prospective financial statements is not supportable, and has not been based on the best information reasonably expected to be available to the District Council at the time of preparing the Statement of Proposal. This is also a departure from Financial Reporting Standard No. 42 (FRS-42): Prospective Financial Statements.
94. As well, on page 158 of the Plan, the Auditor General found that: “The District Council has not identified and adequately explained the sources of funds for its activities’ capital expenditure. The District Council does not operate separate activity level reserves, and some capital expenditure is funded from a general reserve, which is funded from various activities. This may result in surplus targeted rates in some activities being used to fund capital expenditure in other activities. “Based on the above, the District Council has been unable to demonstrate, as required by Section 101 of the Act, that it is managing its revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, investments and general financial dealings prudently and in a manner that promotes the current and future interests of the community.
95. As well, on page 158, the officer of the Auditor General found that: “The District Council has not complied with the requirements of the Act, and has not demonstrated good practice for a Council of its size and scale within the context of the environment in respect of the following: As explained above, the District Council has been unable to demonstrate, as required by Section 101 of the Act, that it is managing its revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, investments and general financial dealings prudently and in a manner that promotes the current and future interests of the community.” “The underlying information used to prepare the Statement of Proposal is inadequate and does not provide a reasonable basis for the preparation of the forecast information, as explained above.
96. Furthermore, page 159 of the Plan shows that the Auditor General found that: “The financial information is not presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand, in that: As explained above the information in the prospective financial statements is not supportable, and has not been based on the best information reasonably expected to be available to the District Council at the time of preparing the Statement of Proposal. This is a departure from FRS-42. As explained above, the forecast expenditure is not supported by adequate underlying information, and the District Council has been unable to demonstrate that the forecast expenditure will deliver the proposed levels of service. Consequently the extent to which the forecast information and proposed performance measures provide an appropriate framework for the meaningful assessment of the actual levels of service provision does not reflect good practice for a Council of its size and scale within the context of its environment.
97. As well, the Auditor General found that: “the scope of our work was limited as we were unable to obtain sufficient information about the underlying information to support the forecast information included in the Statement of Proposal.”
98. Mrs Raue’s concerns about the viability of the proposed $4,000,000 community facility appear to be well founded. According to the Auditor General, the standard of performance of the Carterton District Council’s financial affairs is extremely poor; in fact, they appear to be in a very sorry state indeed.
99. Pages 11 and 12 of the Council’s LTCCP refer to the Council’s commitment to the proposal.
100. On page 12 of the LTCCP, the Council (who also, coincidentally, mainly comprise the members of the ‘Focus Group’ behind the $4,000,000 proposal) “seeks your views on contributing $1 million to this project.
101. The second paragraph on page 12 of the LTCCP states that: “Should the community support the concept,” the Council would agree to make a commitment of one million dollars towards the cost of this ‘facility’, and goes on to state: “Council seeks the views of the community as to whether you believe that this investment is important for the future of our district.”
102. Also referred to on page 12 of the LTCCP is the Council’s alleged commitment to the consultation process, although the events at the public meeting which led to Mrs Raue’s unlawful detention make a mockery of this document, and of the Council’s commitment to the consultation process.
103. The actions of the local Police in trying to shut Mrs Raue up, and to silence her questioning of the need for an expensive white elephant in the community is an intolerable intrusion into Mrs Raue’s political rights to involve herself into the debate by the local community as to the wisdom or otherwise of this community facility.
104. The behaviour of the Masterton Police towards Mrs Raue, and their numerous and serious breaches of her human rights, guaranteed under the NZ Bill of Rights Act, deserve the most serious investigation by the Police Complaints Authority, and consideration given to awarding her financial compensation for each and every one of these breaches.
105. As well, she is entitled to recompense for the legal fees she has incurred as a consequence of the blatant and cavalier disregard of these rights
106. The harassment of Mrs Raue was continued by the Masterton Police when they also charged her with disorderly behaviour for her alleged conduct in the local library, when she was attempting to obtain material relevant to the $4,000,000 proposal, from the Library, which was advertised as the contact point for material about the proposed facility.
107. Judge Goddard, on appeal, acquitted Mrs Raue of that charge and indicated that her behaviour certainly did not require the intervention of the criminal law.
108. But the Masterton Police, in laying the charge, and its pursuit of Mrs Raue, have resulted in Mrs Raue’s incurring further legal fees of $5,000 in defending the charge in the first instance, and then on the successful appeal to the High Court (which did not allow costs for the successful appeal).
109. The participation in the democratic process by civic-minded citizens such as Mrs Raue is to be applauded. Without the fearless questioning of local body officials by such citizens, who are prepared to stand up and be counted, the days of vigorous and healthy political debates would be numbered.
110. The bullying and intimidatory tactics of the Masterton Police that night were a disgrace to the New Zealand Police Force as a whole.
111. When Mrs Raue uttered her cri-de-coeur for help to Mr Rodney Hide, he expressed his concern that her upcoming trial was a serious constitutional matter, that it raised fundamental human rights issues, such as freedom of speech, in a so-called democratic society. He was right. Mr Daniels also expressed his concern to the Masterton Police about their insistence on continuing with these (politically motivated) charges.
112. It was fortunate for Mrs Raue that Judge Behrens Q.C. took an equally vigorous approach in his Judgments, upholding Mrs Raue’s human rights, and, dismissing all of the five charges laid against her, at the close of the cases for the Prosecution, the evidence presented by them, as they admitted, being “tenuous”.
113. Mrs Raue and I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Appleby
Right, back to Financial Literacy. here is a link to the financial records of the Carterton Community Centre, which Georgina Beyer the Liar claimed were all above board, and the Minutes of the Carterton Community Centre, which show that at least $7500 was stolen from a number of bank accounts to pay one individual: You don't have to be a genius to see that this is fraud:

The top table is Expenditure and the bottom one Income. Seven lines from the bottom of the top table, Expenditure, there is a category entitled "PG Payment". It can be seen that $220 was budgeted for this item and $6000 spent in May. $6000!!!
In roughly the same position on the bottom table is a category entitled "Misc". It can be seen that there are entries of $1,000 in June, $3000 in August, and $1000 in September. This is absolutely typical of the affairs of the Carterton Community Centre.
Below is a memo from Tony Feinson, the man who punched me in the face in the Community Centre and began the illegal takeover by John Crawford, John Gordon and their mates on the Council. This email refers to two personal grievances and a number of vague "activities" Feinson had been involved in over the past year as Chairperson of the Carterton Community Centre.
They were filling in funding applications as fast as they could and paying the money out to their mates as "Volunteer Expenses", "Personal Grievance Payments", overinflated wages to people like Georgina Beyer and Jo Roffe, etc, etc. These personal grievance payments were not authorised, not recommended by the Employment Tribunal, they were purely arbitrary payments to individuals that amounted to outright theft and serious misfeasance.
There's plenty of money to go round, plenty of resources, they're just being wasted by idiots in power.
Here's the statement of claim of the EIGHT people who closed OUR Community Centre: This is an orchestrated litany of lies, there was problems with the funding all right! As soon as the funders found out about all the fraud and bullying going on at the Carterton Community Centre they all stopped the grants. As for the lies about the lack of interest - there was a huge petition calling for an inquiry into he affairs of the Centre and the involvement of people associated with the Carterton District Council in the fraud and bullying at the Centre, offending against the more vulnerable members of the community by those in the most powerful political positions.Now read Georgina Beyer's litany of lies about how this was all above board according to 'her' and find out why 'she' really resigned from parliament in disgrace, and deserves to be charged with perverting the course of justice:

On 6th June 2003 I met with Georgina Beyer MP to discuss the allegations of fraud and serious mismanagement involving several people associated with the Carterton District Council who were involved with the running of the Carterton Community Centre. I provided Beyer with a considerable amount of information, including the financial reports and letters from several lawyers, confirming that the committee was acting with no lawful authority and making large, unauthorised payments to individuals in direct contradiction to legal advice, signing government contracts without lawful authority, etc.
Beyer wrote to the group claiming to represent the Community Centre, and to the Mayor of Carterton, on 6th June 2003, regarding the allegations, and requested "copies of the audited accounts" for the 2000/2001 year among other things.
On 3 July 2003 Beyer wrote to me to say "Further to our meeting on June 6th, 2003, when you raised concerns abot the former Carterton Communty Centre I proceeded to make my own inquiries with other parties involved with this matter. This is to inform you that I am satisfied, on balance, that I do not find it necessary to take the matter any further."
We immediately rejected this response. The evidence of the fraud and mismanagement is overwhelming and indisputable. The community wants the affairs of the Carterton Community Centre audited by lawyers and accountants, not looked over by a transvestite prostitute! We asked to see copies of the audited accounts and the other information Beyer had requested in the letters to the Mayor and the "group":
On 29 July 2003 Beyer wrote to me again, refusing to provide evidence or copies of the audited accounts, stating that 'she' considered the matter closed, and requesting that I not contact 'her' again about the matter.
On 20 September 2004 Beyer wrote the attached letter again endorsing the actions of the group who took over the Centre illegally, by punching the Secretary and Finance Officer in the face and changing the locks of the Centre in order to cover up the fraud and mismanagement.
Beyer wrote to the group claiming to represent the Community Centre, and to the Mayor of Carterton, on 6th June 2003, regarding the allegations, and requested "copies of the audited accounts" for the 2000/2001 year among other things.
On 3 July 2003 Beyer wrote to me to say "Further to our meeting on June 6th, 2003, when you raised concerns abot the former Carterton Communty Centre I proceeded to make my own inquiries with other parties involved with this matter. This is to inform you that I am satisfied, on balance, that I do not find it necessary to take the matter any further."
We immediately rejected this response. The evidence of the fraud and mismanagement is overwhelming and indisputable. The community wants the affairs of the Carterton Community Centre audited by lawyers and accountants, not looked over by a transvestite prostitute! We asked to see copies of the audited accounts and the other information Beyer had requested in the letters to the Mayor and the "group":
On 29 July 2003 Beyer wrote to me again, refusing to provide evidence or copies of the audited accounts, stating that 'she' considered the matter closed, and requesting that I not contact 'her' again about the matter.
On 20 September 2004 Beyer wrote the attached letter again endorsing the actions of the group who took over the Centre illegally, by punching the Secretary and Finance Officer in the face and changing the locks of the Centre in order to cover up the fraud and mismanagement.
The financial affairs of the Centre were never ever audited for the period in question, there was a monumental and corrupt cover up by Beyer, corrupt local police, and a group of people associated with the Carterton District Council.
The group took control of the Centre by violence and stealth, they refused mediation, and refused to appoint an auditor. Instead of having the books audited in accordance with the motion at the public meeting on 18 April 2001, and the motion at the meeting on24th April to appoint R G Thompson to do the audit, the books were never audited by Mr Thompson or anyone else. The 'group' associated with the Carterton District Council, a major funder of the Community Centre, had the financial statements "complied" (sic) by Carterton District Council Accountant and current Masterton District Councillor Lyn Patterson - an outrageous conflict of interest! Ms Patterson wrote a Disclaimer of Liability on 20 September 2001, knowing full well that there had been gross misfeasance and serious fraud at the Carterton Community Centre and she deliberately tried to cover it up. Councillors Elaine Brazendale, Ruth Carter Jill Greathead and others associated with the Council, including Ewen Hyde, Julie Hallam, Martyn Preece, and others were involved in the corrupt cover up of the fraud and mismanagement at the Centre, and conspired with Ms Patterson to cover it up.
On 20 September 2004 Georgina Beyer wrote a letter saying: “As MP I was asked to investigate certain allegations made by Ms Kate Raue, which I did. After extensive inquiries I was satisfied that no wrongdoing had taken place.” The letter goes on with much self importance and impotent bluster about how Beyer 'outlined her position' and alleged I was vexatious.
This is outrageous arrogance and corruption. The people of Carterton, and in particular, the members of the Carterton Community Centre Inc, called for the affairs of the Centre to be audited in 2001. We require them to be audited by lawyers and accountants, not “looked over” by a transvestite prostitute. Several lawyers have confirmed the allegations, and a community petition has called for a proper and open investigation.
Beyer knows that the records of the Carterton Community Centre for the financial year 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2001 have never been audited in spite of the petition, in spite of the lawyers letters, and in spite of the minutes of the meetings of the Centre, and all the evidence of the fraud. Beyer knows perfectly well that there was a huge cover up of the involvement of people associated with the Carterton District Council, Beyer was involved in the fraud and the cover up.
Lawyer Ken Daniels' letter to the police details the theft of thousands of dollars from the bank accounts controlled by the committee of the Carterton Community Centre in late 2000. The financial reports of the Centre are evidence of the fraud, Beyer continues to deliberately cover up this fraud, incompetence and corruption.
Beyer is like McPhee, incapable of getting or keeping a proper job involving actual work, or getting on with other people and working as part of a team. I decided long ago to work on orchards and vineyards as part of a happy and hardworking team, rather than take the easy way out and have sex with people for money like Beyer. Beyer used to sellotape his diddle up the crack of his bum and solicit sex while pretending to be a woman, then wrote a lurid autobiography (with lots of help of course) painting a fantasy picture of "her" sad, sordid little life, claiming "rape" by the very blokes "she" used to flag down and offer cheap sex to - what a cheek! Beyer lasted all of a couple of weeks at Michael Hill in Masterton before announcing "her" resignation to pursue the Masterton Mayoralty - yeah, right, Georgina.
Only complete idiots would ever vote for a confirmed corrupt liar like Beyer.
The group took control of the Centre by violence and stealth, they refused mediation, and refused to appoint an auditor. Instead of having the books audited in accordance with the motion at the public meeting on 18 April 2001, and the motion at the meeting on24th April to appoint R G Thompson to do the audit, the books were never audited by Mr Thompson or anyone else. The 'group' associated with the Carterton District Council, a major funder of the Community Centre, had the financial statements "complied" (sic) by Carterton District Council Accountant and current Masterton District Councillor Lyn Patterson - an outrageous conflict of interest! Ms Patterson wrote a Disclaimer of Liability on 20 September 2001, knowing full well that there had been gross misfeasance and serious fraud at the Carterton Community Centre and she deliberately tried to cover it up. Councillors Elaine Brazendale, Ruth Carter Jill Greathead and others associated with the Council, including Ewen Hyde, Julie Hallam, Martyn Preece, and others were involved in the corrupt cover up of the fraud and mismanagement at the Centre, and conspired with Ms Patterson to cover it up.
On 20 September 2004 Georgina Beyer wrote a letter saying: “As MP I was asked to investigate certain allegations made by Ms Kate Raue, which I did. After extensive inquiries I was satisfied that no wrongdoing had taken place.” The letter goes on with much self importance and impotent bluster about how Beyer 'outlined her position' and alleged I was vexatious.
This is outrageous arrogance and corruption. The people of Carterton, and in particular, the members of the Carterton Community Centre Inc, called for the affairs of the Centre to be audited in 2001. We require them to be audited by lawyers and accountants, not “looked over” by a transvestite prostitute. Several lawyers have confirmed the allegations, and a community petition has called for a proper and open investigation.
Beyer knows that the records of the Carterton Community Centre for the financial year 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2001 have never been audited in spite of the petition, in spite of the lawyers letters, and in spite of the minutes of the meetings of the Centre, and all the evidence of the fraud. Beyer knows perfectly well that there was a huge cover up of the involvement of people associated with the Carterton District Council, Beyer was involved in the fraud and the cover up.
Lawyer Ken Daniels' letter to the police details the theft of thousands of dollars from the bank accounts controlled by the committee of the Carterton Community Centre in late 2000. The financial reports of the Centre are evidence of the fraud, Beyer continues to deliberately cover up this fraud, incompetence and corruption.
Beyer is like McPhee, incapable of getting or keeping a proper job involving actual work, or getting on with other people and working as part of a team. I decided long ago to work on orchards and vineyards as part of a happy and hardworking team, rather than take the easy way out and have sex with people for money like Beyer. Beyer used to sellotape his diddle up the crack of his bum and solicit sex while pretending to be a woman, then wrote a lurid autobiography (with lots of help of course) painting a fantasy picture of "her" sad, sordid little life, claiming "rape" by the very blokes "she" used to flag down and offer cheap sex to - what a cheek! Beyer lasted all of a couple of weeks at Michael Hill in Masterton before announcing "her" resignation to pursue the Masterton Mayoralty - yeah, right, Georgina.
Only complete idiots would ever vote for a confirmed corrupt liar like Beyer.