Just look at this! Spot the difference.
One of these investigations was very thorough indeed and the other was deliberately and corruptly non existent. My complaints were never investigated at all because Area Commander Rod Drew decreed that because Georgina Beyer, formerly known as George Bertrand, the son of a thieving policeman funnily enough, a transvestite ex-prostitute who has never had a proper job in 'her' life and bludged off the tax payers of New Zealand long enough, had "discussed issues around the closing of the centre" and that "In such circumstances the actions of the 'elected' officers of the centre are most unlikely to have breached any Criminal Law." What utter rubbish! This is blatant corruption.
The Carterton Residents and Ratepayers Association is the Georgina Beyer and Bill Knowles fan club, and is deceiving the Residents of Carterton. The Carterton Residents and Ratepayers Group (CRRA) is Beyer's ticket back to snout in trough, don't be sucked in. It's a platform for Beyer, McPhee, Bill Knowles, Barbara Durbin, etc, to spout more of their cunning lies to the gullible. I proposed the motion which named that group The Carterton Residents Association, at the inaugural meeting at which a particular Ms De Schot was nominated to the committee but another Ms De Schot accepted the nomination, as if that was perfectly all right. The dodgily elected committee have facilitated McPhee, Beyer, Knowles etc to speak to their captive audience at meetings, boring them senseless with the usual meaningless Powerpoint mumbo jumbo which would be hilariously obvious if they'd printed it on paper and distributed it instead. The chairman and committee refused my polite requests to address the meetings, and instead have allowed Beyer, McPhee, Knowles and their mates to speak, and to abuse and threaten me at the second meeting when I attempted to speak. These people are ignorant. Ignorance comes from trying to ignore things. It just won't work. It isn't working - nobody will give any money toward the project, only misinformed, misguided or plain stupid people, who don't understand that what we need is two things:
Firstly, we need an inquiry into the corruption that resulted in the closure of the former Carterton Community Centre, and the actions and involvement of people associated with the Carterton District Council. The purpose of this is to hold people accountable and honestly assess their suitability for involvement in community affairs through a proper social audit, and weed out the rotten apples, the people in the District Council who are holding the town back, holding the District down. Then we can get on with identifying and electing capable honest people to replace the incompetent and corrupt ones, and send the message that the people of the Carterton District are not going to put up with second rate governance any more, we're going to do things differently now, because it's the putting right that counts. Vote for Kate Raue and let's put the unity back in this community! Let's elect someone who is not only colourful but capable as well, the Audit Report is an utterly damning indictment on McPhee and Beyer, so are the crime, violence and suicide rates.
Secondly, we need a proper Community Resource Centre, run by capable and honest people, not the grand half planned Events Centre, or the Information Centre/Gallery, which is focussed on providing a glorified attendant paid for by someone else to staff the "Gallery" promoting local artists like those featured at the post titled Art Fart Stinks. Artists like Jo Roffe and Sean Crawford were the focus of the last community centre, and are the reason it was closed, by Sean Crawford's father John and mother Heather and their mates, after funding stopped when the funders became aware of the fraud and misfeasance. If artists want to make a career choice of what for many of them is a glorified hobby, why should taxpayers fund it? I'd quite like to swan round all day being an artist too, but I'd rather do an honest day's work. I've never felt the need to apply for $1000 grants to have an exhibition in a free gallery, come off it Sean, you're a bludger, way worse than any WINZ beneficiary.
When I was running the Community Centre it focussed on getting people into employment, creating jobs, helping people access resources and information, supporting families, and running courses that really benefited individuals and the community. It operated as the hub of the community. We ran Community Gardens and provided practical help to establish gardens in every home, we provided practical assistance to those in need.
I represent the Residents and Ratepayers who voted for me at the last election, and who have signed petitions calling for a proper inquiry into the matters regarding the Carterton Community Centre, Event Centre, Community Facility, and the general dysfunction, incompetence and corruption at the Carterton District Council.
Beyer the Liar's fervent sales talk in favour of amalgamation is aimed at furthering the cover up and keeping the same old snouts in the trough. The ones pushing the idea are the same ones responsible for the global financial crisis, their lies only fool the ignorant, the ill informed and the gullible, and we must speak up. The world is watching.
Firstly, we need an inquiry into the corruption that resulted in the closure of the former Carterton Community Centre, and the actions and involvement of people associated with the Carterton District Council. The purpose of this is to hold people accountable and honestly assess their suitability for involvement in community affairs through a proper social audit, and weed out the rotten apples, the people in the District Council who are holding the town back, holding the District down. Then we can get on with identifying and electing capable honest people to replace the incompetent and corrupt ones, and send the message that the people of the Carterton District are not going to put up with second rate governance any more, we're going to do things differently now, because it's the putting right that counts. Vote for Kate Raue and let's put the unity back in this community! Let's elect someone who is not only colourful but capable as well, the Audit Report is an utterly damning indictment on McPhee and Beyer, so are the crime, violence and suicide rates.
Secondly, we need a proper Community Resource Centre, run by capable and honest people, not the grand half planned Events Centre, or the Information Centre/Gallery, which is focussed on providing a glorified attendant paid for by someone else to staff the "Gallery" promoting local artists like those featured at the post titled Art Fart Stinks. Artists like Jo Roffe and Sean Crawford were the focus of the last community centre, and are the reason it was closed, by Sean Crawford's father John and mother Heather and their mates, after funding stopped when the funders became aware of the fraud and misfeasance. If artists want to make a career choice of what for many of them is a glorified hobby, why should taxpayers fund it? I'd quite like to swan round all day being an artist too, but I'd rather do an honest day's work. I've never felt the need to apply for $1000 grants to have an exhibition in a free gallery, come off it Sean, you're a bludger, way worse than any WINZ beneficiary.
When I was running the Community Centre it focussed on getting people into employment, creating jobs, helping people access resources and information, supporting families, and running courses that really benefited individuals and the community. It operated as the hub of the community. We ran Community Gardens and provided practical help to establish gardens in every home, we provided practical assistance to those in need.
I represent the Residents and Ratepayers who voted for me at the last election, and who have signed petitions calling for a proper inquiry into the matters regarding the Carterton Community Centre, Event Centre, Community Facility, and the general dysfunction, incompetence and corruption at the Carterton District Council.
Beyer the Liar's fervent sales talk in favour of amalgamation is aimed at furthering the cover up and keeping the same old snouts in the trough. The ones pushing the idea are the same ones responsible for the global financial crisis, their lies only fool the ignorant, the ill informed and the gullible, and we must speak up. The world is watching.
This is why Beyer the Liar resigned from parliament, why Beyer didn't get a job at the Human Rights Commission, and why only ignorant fools would ever take Beyer seriously as a community leader, Beyer is corrupt, and a liar, who covers up fraud and theft and bullying.
On the spot: i.e. in particular concerning the persons mentioned feeding on public money, the mentally corrupt local police and in particular the mentioned members belonging to the family de Schot (Guusje and Joe) in the Wairarapa